Monday 23 December 2013

Types of Pimples

You know that pimples are very annoying. I am here not for giving you a solution. I just want to jot down some information about pimples types. Here we go. :p

Papules – something visible on the surface of the skin.
Whiteheads – located under the skin and very small, not dangerous actually. But it’s really annoying.
Blackheads – clearly visible! Epic Fail! They are truly black and wildly appear on the surface of your beautiful skin!
Pustules – they are clearly visible on the surface of your skin. The colors are red and have pus on top.
Nobules – filled with pus, they are painful if you touch them. And they are visible!

You have known all those 5 nightmares on your face. Starting from now, it is a wise idea to have such decent acne treatments.

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